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How to Get Started with Ledger.com

Welcome to the straightforward guide on beginning your journey with Ledger, the pinnacle of cryptocurrency hardware wallets. Here, we’ll walk through the steps to set up your new Ledger device and ensure it's ready for use. Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Purchase Your Ledger Device

The first step is to purchase a Ledger hardware wallet from the official Ledger website or a verified retailer. Ensure you use a secure and trusted source to avoid counterfeit products.

Step 2: Download Ledger Live

Visit the Ledger Live download page and select the version suitable for your operating system. Ledger Live is the application that will manage your device and cryptocurrencies.

Step 3: Set Up Your Ledger Device

  • Power On: Connect your Ledger device to your computer or mobile using the provided USB cable or Bluetooth connection.

  • Follow Instructions: Your Ledger device will guide you through the setup process, including creating a new pin and writing down your 24-word recovery phrase. Important: Keep your recovery phrase secure and never share it with anyone.

  • Install Apps: Use Ledger Live to install cryptocurrency apps on your device, depending on which currencies you plan to manage.

Step 4: Add Accounts to Ledger Live

  • Open Ledger Live and navigate to the “Accounts” tab.

  • Click on “Add account” and follow the prompts to select the cryptocurrency you’d like to add.

  • Confirm the account creation on your Ledger device.

Step 5: Receive and Send Cryptocurrency

To receive cryptocurrency, use Ledger Live to generate a receive address for your account, confirm it on your device, and share it with the person sending you funds.

To send cryptocurrency, create a new transaction in Ledger Live, enter the recipient's address and the amount, and confirm the transaction on your device.

Congratulations, you’re now set to embark on your journey with your new Ledger device! Remember to keep your device and recovery phrase secure, and only use Ledger Live to manage your cryptocurrencies.

Visit the official Ledger Support for detailed guides and troubleshooting.

Last updated